Latest update (February 2020) =  Southwards to Antarctica

Impressions. Themes. At Work. Travel Journals. Street Photography

This website features images taken during my inspiring journeys around the world. Many are related to my job in international development cooperation, but also from hiking and biking tours at home and in Europe. The aim is to capture the outdoor world and my encounter with people how I have seen it - as an observer of nature and welcomed by the people I had the privilege to work with.   

Images are original camera JPG files with Olympus and Nikon compact cameras. Since 2015, RAW photos with Leica Q, Leica V and Fujifilm X-T2 are processed with LR Classic CC

Fremd in der Fremde ist nur der Fremde (Karl Valentin). Only abroad is a stranger a stranger

Reisen ist tödlich für Vorurteile (Mark Twain). Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry and narrow-mindedness,...

Nichts ist in der Fremde exotischer als der Fremde selbst  (Ernst Bloch)

Wer übers Meer kommt, will uns bestehlen  (Sardinisches Sprichwort). Furat chie venit da'e su mare

Alles in der Welt ist nur für den da, der Augen hat, es zu sehen (Eduard Spranger) 

Meine Fotografie

Eindrücke, Menschen und Begegnungen aus 4 Jahrzehnten in 5 Kontinenten

Thomas Petermann. Siegen/Germany


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