The magic of Marlborough Sounds and Picton

There s always water.

Every track, half-road or hilltop

Throws a view of the labyrinthine

Seeping and effortless sea (Denis Glover, NZ Poet. Source: Wilderness Guides)


Queen Charlotte Track, from Captain Cook's legendary Ship Cove to Anakiwa, the track passes through lush coastal forests, around historic bays, along skyline ridges and offers unsurpassed views of the Queen Charlotte and Kenepuru Sounds. Boat transport services from/to Picton allow access to points along the 70 km track.  


Motuara Island and Kaipupu Point: Bird Sanctuaries and Wildlife Reserves in the Queen Charlotte Sound 

Meine Fotografie

Eindrücke, Menschen und Begegnungen aus 4 Jahrzehnten in 5 Kontinenten

Thomas Petermann. Siegen/Germany


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